Often, we do work for one of our local government clients that can be applied and utilized by our other clients, such as enactment of a new ordinance, or implementation of new programs or procedures to comply with new statutes or court decisions. These situations are opportunities to provide real cost savings for our clients by dividing our fees among many, similarly situated, government clients.
How We Work with Municipalities
We work with each municipality to customize our models for their own unique circumstances. This results in high levels of efficiency and tremendous cost savings that have been welcomed and well received by our clients for decades. Examples of joint projects include creation of:
- Travel expense reimbursement rules
- New FOIA forms and regulations
- Ethics codes
- Animal control regulations
- Liquor control regulations
- Parental responsibility rules
- Small wireless facilities ordinances and license agreements
- Recreational marijuana ordinances and zoning regulations
- Emergency proclamations and orders related to the COVID-19 public health crisis.